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Problem with Endotoxin removal - (Apr/27/2010 )

Hello, I am new for Bioforum. I have a problem about endotoxin removal from recombinant protein with Triton X 114. I incubated the mixture at 4C for 30min and 37 C for 10 min, then followed by centrifuged at 20,000 xg for 10min. However the solution was not separated. It was turbid and looked like a number of lipid particles were still floating. I would appreciate if anyone could suggest me how to resolve this problem.

Many thanks,



have you considered using endotrap?


I have tried using EndoTrap and Triton X114 but both have failed in removing endotoxins. Does anyone have a better suggestion?



You could try the new E. coli cells from Lucigen that claim to have genetically removed the endotoxin production.
