iCycler Calibration - (Apr/01/2010 )
Dear Biforumers
Our Lab purchased iCycler real time PCR since 6 years,It was calibrated one time after purchasing.
I need to know the regular time interval for calibration,our country agent is not supprtive
pls help
hmm i ran across the same situation when i first started the iQ-5 myself. i wouldnt know, but it will prompt you if it needs to be recalibrated.
I think it needs to be recalibrated,but I need to know if there is regular interval for calibration or not?
Also I contacted the tec hnical support of Biorad,they asked me about my country to contact the local agent but no answer till now.
What do you mean by regular interval, are you meaning that after x amount of days you need to recalibrate it?
since you speak english, just try call the USA techs. phone support shouldnt be an issue and they seem to know their product really well. good luck!
I got a reply regarding my question about the iCycler, there is no specific information on calibration intervals. However, you might want to check the mask alignment every 6 months or so and, if you are using a new dye, you will have to re-do the pure dye calibration.
glad you found the answer!