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DNA agarose gel electrophoresis - sum1 can teach me interpret this gel image.. (Mar/27/2010 )

can someone help me to analysis tis image..
Attached Image

lane 1 - 1kb DNA ladder

my sample are..

lane 14 - isolated DNA plasmid many band should appear? 2 or 3? which band belong to which form of plasmid?
2. the upper band means high genome contaminate? what is this means? how cause this happen?
3. the smearing at the bottom means contaminated by protein and RNA? how?

lane 15 - PCR product

lane 18 - uncut plasmid DNA (pBR322)
how many band should appear? isn't same with the isolated plasmid?

lane 19 - cut plasmid DNA (pBR322)

lane 20 - no added topoisomerase DNA
why the band with supercoil DNA is not same with the isolated DNA?
isn't got many type of supercoil DNA?

lane 21-25 - added topoisomerase DNA with 2min, 5min, 10min, 20min and 30min.
what cause no increase in the intensity with the time ?

last question is ..
izit different form of DNA(relax, linear , supercoil) will have differ molecular weight?


Hmmm... try doing your homework yourself, then supply us with what you think, and we will provide feedback/clarification on the answers.


You go Bob! I am more than willing to help those who will work to help themselves.
di203 - Throw your thoughts about this gel our way and we'll help to guide you. :P

bob1 on Mar 28 2010, 07:52 PM said:

Hmmm... try doing your homework yourself, then supply us with what you think, and we will provide feedback/clarification on the answers.

Attached File


how did you get the plasmid? miniprep? what kit? tells us more about your previous experiments.
Attached File
