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KOH string test - (Mar/24/2010 )

I just read about the KOH string's strange i have not ever heard of it throughout my long years at school!!!
Anyway, i have KOH pellets and dont know exactly how to make the KOH solution and if i can store the made solution in a plastic container. Anyone know?


maryjo on Mar 24 2010, 04:06 PM said:

I just read about the KOH string's strange i have not ever heard of it throughout my long years at school!!!
Anyway, i have KOH pellets and dont know exactly how to make the KOH solution and if i can store the made solution in a plastic container. Anyone know?

Make a 3% solution. We store it in a glass dropper bottle.
Attached File


Ok thanks :wacko:

This is a stupid question, i know, but 3% KOH is 3 grams KOH in 100 mL water?


maryjo on Mar 24 2010, 04:54 PM said:

Ok thanks :wacko:

This is a stupid question, i know, but 3% KOH is 3 grams KOH in 100 mL water?

