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PFGE Current? - (Mar/10/2010 )

Hey all,

I am trying to run PFGE on a set of 26 samples but after I placed the gel in the system, the current went up to 210. It was initially at 175A which is still quite high for our machine. Do any of you have suggestions on bringing the current down?

I have flushed the system with water and put water in the system between runs as well as have changed the TBE already.



cjl on Mar 11 2010, 02:02 AM said:

Hey all,

I am trying to run PFGE on a set of 26 samples but after I placed the gel in the system, the current went up to 210. It was initially at 175A which is still quite high for our machine. Do any of you have suggestions on bringing the current down?

I have flushed the system with water and put water in the system between runs as well as have changed the TBE already.


try to use fresh 0.5X TBE and pour it just to immerse the gel completely, the more you add after that more will be the current. I run at 165V and it give 110-120mA.
