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Best methods for storing cDNA - Water, TE buffer, Tris ....... (Mar/09/2010 )

Hello everyone,

Am currently making cDNA for qPCR. I will need to store it for a week or two, what is the best way to store it? Is it OK to store it in water or should I be using a buffer solution? Any suggestions ?

-phosphate girl-

phosphate girl on Mar 9 2010, 09:39 PM said:

Hello everyone,

Am currently making cDNA for qPCR. I will need to store it for a week or two, what is the best way to store it? Is it OK to store it in water or should I be using a buffer solution? Any suggestions ?

its ok to store it in water at -20 degrees.


its ok to store it in water at -20 degrees.

Great Thanks - is it OK to store it in the buffer it was synthesized in or do you add TE or Tris buffer? I want to do qPCR with it but not straight away (am very new to molecular biology). I want to make sure it doesn't degrade prior to the qPCR.

Thanks :rolleyes:

-phosphate girl-

For QPCR is better to dilute all in water, sometimes an excess of salts could make that the reaction don't function as expected.
