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plasmid extraction kit wash buffer solution - (Mar/08/2010 )

unfortunately I have lost my plasmid extraction kit solutions and now I have unused columns, I have the recipe for resuspension, lysis and neutralization solutions but I dont know the composition of wash buffer, does any body know how can I make it myself?


sara.r on Mar 8 2010, 07:29 PM said:

unfortunately I have lost my plasmid extraction kit solutions and now I have unused columns, I have the recipe for resuspension, lysis and neutralization solutions but I dont know the composition of wash buffer, does any body know how can I make it myself?

The easiest way is trying the washing solution of other purification kit. I usually don't distinguish the one for the plasmid extraction kit and the one for the gel extraction kit, they are similar.


I would says these washbuffers are just 70% ethanol.


tea-test on Mar 8 2010, 10:33 AM said:

I would says these washbuffers are just 70% ethanol.

You can check the Buffer composition here:
