Solutions for Collection and Culture of Dust Mites - appreciate any protienal ideas (Mar/05/2010 )
I'm a undergraduate of bioengineering and planning to design a experiment to study dust mites.
Now ,it's still at the very beginning. we are considering the Solutions for
please provide any possible solutions if u have any idea or experience.
thank you very.
The paper at this link has some ideas in it. It seems they cultured the mites in 1:1 dead skin:yeast at 25 degrees C.
bob1 on Mar 10 2010, 07:31 AM said:
And the paper u give me has permission for downloading, it's inconvenient for me here to pay. If u can access to it ,could u plese upload it here? thank u.
I don't have free access to the journal either. I would presume that the 1:1 skin:yeast is a mix of skin scrapings and yeast done on a weight per weight basis in an incubator of some sort with controlled humidity.
You probably won't need much to grow mites, they are pretty small.
seamania on Mar 6 2010, 06:39 AM said:
Now ,it's still at the very beginning. we are considering the Solutions for
please provide any possible solutions if u have any idea or experience.
thank you very.
This paper may give you some ideas.

Thank bob1 and klinmed for great help..