DNA Extraction - maize ssr (Feb/26/2010 )
Hi folks,
We've recently been busy with OPV maize SSRs. The protocol and standard procedure dedicates that 40 individual OPV seeds are used, of which the DNA is extracted from each seed, followed by making a working concentration where each of the 40 samples are equally representive.
Now, I was wondering what sorts of extraction methods could produce medium to high yield DNA as well as a method for a fast extraction of the 40 seeds. The biggest proplem i've found is that if there are 20+ different batches of OPVs, the extraction processes take an awfully long time..
Much thanks
you could try combining a magnetic bead based extraction with a standard lysis. The bead based systems are very fast.
bob1 on Mar 1 2010, 01:44 AM said:
Thanks for the reply

We have a bead mill, but found it doesn't crush the seeds into a fine enough consistancy in order to get a good enough yield from the seeds.
I was meaning something like the MagMAX from invitrogen for use after lysing the cells (e.g. by grinding in LN2 and then suspending in PVP lysis buffer). It will save all the precipitation and spin steps usually associated with DNA/RNA preps.