lipofectamine and PEI transfection of hela cells - (Feb/25/2010 )
HI All,
1.I want to transfect HeLa Cells with lipofectamine plus reagent to optimise the quantity of DNA and lipofectamine to be used to get the best results.
I will be using 24-well plate for transfection.
I would like to use lipid/DNA ratio for the optimisation. Could any one please explain me how to calculate this ratio and what should be ratios
I can use to get near the best possible results.
2.Similarly, for jetPEI and 25kDa Branched PEI, how can we calculate the N/P ratio.
3. Is there any simple method to check the cytotoxic effects of these reagents after transfection ?
Thank you.
jasmine0507 on Feb 25 2010, 08:41 PM said:
1.I want to transfect HeLa Cells with lipofectamine plus reagent to optimise the quantity of DNA and lipofectamine to be used to get the best results.
I will be using 24-well plate for transfection.
I would like to use lipid/DNA ratio for the optimisation. Could any one please explain me how to calculate this ratio and what should be ratios
I can use to get near the best possible results.
2.Similarly, for jetPEI and 25kDa Branched PEI, how can we calculate the N/P ratio.
3. Is there any simple method to check the cytotoxic effects of these reagents after transfection ?
Thank you.
Normally in the datashet they tell you how to check that ratio. Normally is like "2-3ul lipid per 1ugr of DNA " something like that. You have to check but if i recall was something like that.
If you want to check the ratio you can just make a titration :1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 using for example GFP and then check the cells in the microscope, or jus t checkin by wb.
Normally in the datashet they tell you how to check that ratio. Normally is like "2-3ul lipid per 1ugr of DNA " something like that. You have to check but if i recall was something like that.
If you want to check the ratio you can just make a titration :1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 using for example GFP and then check the cells in the microscope, or jus t checkin by wb.