ethidum bromide disposal - (Feb/24/2010 )
I'd like to ask how do you dispose buffers contain ethidum bromide ?
thanks for any replay
-noufy O noufy-
Dispose of it according to your governmental regulations. Usually this will involve removing the EtBr from the solution using activated charcoal or one of the commercial products and then putting the removed EtBr in a chemical waste disposal. Remaining liquid can often go down standard drains - CHECK YOUR LOCAL REGULATIONS ON THIS!
noufy O noufy on Feb 24 2010, 04:44 PM said:
I'd like to ask how do you dispose buffers contain ethidum bromide ?
thanks for any replay
I'd like to ask how do you dispose buffers contain ethidum bromide ?

thanks for any replay

Ethidium Bromide is now considered hazardous waste, so your institution should have strict guidelines for disposal. You could use a product such as Ethidium Bromide De-staining Bags, or a funnel/filter made for this purpose - to reduce the physical amount of waste. The buffer (liquid) should become basically free of ethidium bromide so you can use sink disposal, and then only the bag or filter is disposed of as hazardous waste. Consider looking to use one of the 'safe' alternatives to Ethidium Bromide that are on the market today!