U/ml to ug/ml - conversion (Feb/24/2010 )
Hello All,
New to the forum, but have gotten great info in the past when searching for something on google.
I have a heparin stock solution at 1000 U/ml. Is it possible to make a 50mg/ml working stock from this solution?
If so, what other info do i need for the calculation?
BryanC on Feb 24 2010, 03:26 PM said:
New to the forum, but have gotten great info in the past when searching for something on google.
I have a heparin stock solution at 1000 U/ml. Is it possible to make a 50mg/ml working stock from this solution?
If so, what other info do i need for the calculation?
You need to know how many U are in a mg, and calculate from there

So, if the Heparin salt is 180 U/mg, then the 1000 U/ml sol'n is at .180 mg/ml? Which means I would have to make a fresh 50 mg/ml stock from the heparin salt?
Guess Ill have to order some more heparin, because someone has put a basically empty bottle back into the cabinet without ordering more.
180 U/mg will give 1000U.ml-1/180U.mg-1= 5.556 mg/ml not 0.18mg/ml - you'll still have to make a fresh stock or add a larger volume to a dilution.
bob1 on Feb 24 2010, 06:08 PM said:
Thanks bob. I really rushed that calc. And man was I over thinking U/ml, U/mg, etc. Never had to deal with "units" before....
Being that it's for in situ hyb, i don't think I trust the cleanliness of someone else's solution anyway.