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Colonies on Agar plate. - (Feb/15/2010 )


How many days one can use the colonies on argr plate? I streaked the plate like 2 months ago. I donno if I can still use the separated colonies on it ?

The agar plate looks little dry but not completely dried.



There's little lost in trying, but I predict "they're dead, Jim."


biolabwork on Feb 15 2010, 11:23 AM said:


How many days one can use the colonies on argr plate? I streaked the plate like 2 months ago. I donno if I can still use the separated colonies on it ?

The agar plate looks little dry but not completely dried.


you should not use that colonies because they will be in Decline phase and they will not show proper growth and will have longer lag phase so it is better to avoid

-Louis Pasture-

I would try, probably some will grow again. But you have to be careful not to work on with a contamination, as some bacteria have more stable structures than others. These are more likely to survive drought. Regardless of the aim of your study you should check the identity of revived bacteria to avoid trouble.
