DNA/RNA extraction from sputum - (Feb/09/2010 )
Is there any standard protocol for DNA/RNA extraction for sputum which is viscous? I am am going to use Invitrogen PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit. Also, is there anything I need to aware for the extraction from sputum? THANKS!
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11337047Comparison of different methods of total ... The results of the study indicate that the Trizol method appears to be superior for total RNA extraction from sputum, ...
-Tim Hopkins-
Comparison of different methods of total RNA extraction...
Comparison of different methods of total ... The results of the study indicate that the Trizol method appears to be superior for total RNA extraction from sputum, ...
-Tim Hopkins-
Is it just Viral DNA you are after?
If it is Mycobacterial DNA you are trying to isolate from sputum there are some additional considerations due to the tough myco membrane.
Some methods papers here:
doi 10.1128/JCM.43.5.2471-2473.2005