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resources on PCR principles & technique - (Feb/08/2010 )

Hei all!!

I am working on cyanobacterial genetics using molecular techniques (not that theres heaps of options with cyanobacteria). However I, and the rest of my research group, come from a strong field ecology/whole organism background. We have been doing our DNA extraction, amplification (regular PCR not realtime) and purification pretty much by rote-- following the kits instructions without a real understanding of how it works. IŽd like to learn more about the principles involved (what is with that BSA anyway) especially of PCR. Does anyone have any recomndations for good references, particularly on the net?

thank you :D



raheli on Feb 9 2010, 01:48 AM said:

Hei all!!

I am working on cyanobacterial genetics using molecular techniques (not that theres heaps of options with cyanobacteria). However I, and the rest of my research group, come from a strong field ecology/whole organism background. We have been doing our DNA extraction, amplification (regular PCR not realtime) and purification pretty much by rote-- following the kits instructions without a real understanding of how it works. IŽd like to learn more about the principles involved (what is with that BSA anyway) especially of PCR. Does anyone have any recomndations for good references, particularly on the net?

thank you :D


... I know that you really don't want to hear this ... but wikipedia is actually pretty bang on with it's principles and descriptions of PCR!

... if you're morally opposed to wiki (as I know a lot of people, probably quite rightly!) are ...

here's a bone fide paper describing the principles behind PCR!

... also, if you can get your hands on any genetics text books, human molecular genetics 2 by Strachan and Read might help you too!

Hope that these help.... :lol:
