Phylogenetic trees and bootstrap values - (Feb/04/2010 )
I have recently been using Rod Page's Treeviewer to view consensus trees produced using Mr Bayes. However, I have found that when I add bootstrap values to the tree they are frequently obscured by the tree labels. I cannot find a way to change the font size or move the bootstrap values away from these labels and therefore wondered if anyone could recommend a better program for viewing and editing Mr Bayes consensus trees (that is also free to download ).
I like mesquite. But I know many people who do not like it....but its free so you could give it a try
I think mr bayes produces nexus tree files finally. Therefore you can also try out TreeEdit , PAUP, TreeGraph, MrEnt.
And I guess there are several more programs for this, just try out...
My two favourite programs are:
"FigTree is designed as a graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees and as a program for producing publication-ready figures. In particular it is designed to display summarized and annotated trees produced by BEAST."
TreeGraph 2
"TreeGraph 2 is a graphical editor for phylogenetic trees which allows you to apply lots of graphical formats to the elements of your tree. Moreover, it supports several (visible or invisible) annotations (e.g. support values) for every branch or node. These annotations can be imported from Nexus tree files or text files containing data in a table (e.g. exported from a spreadsheet program)."