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image processing - (Jan/25/2010 )

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hi guys,

i couldn't figure out where was the best place to post this topic. so basically, i want to convert an image to its negative. i tried picasa3 but it doesn't provide that option, only to bw, sepia and others, but not to negative.

i'd appreciate a lot if any of you can shed some light over this ;)

many thanks.


Doesn't photoshop do it?

toejam on Jan 25 2010, 02:11 PM said:

hi guys,

i couldn't figure out where was the best place to post this topic. so basically, i want to convert an image to its negative. i tried picasa3 but it doesn't provide that option, only to bw, sepia and others, but not to negative.

i'd appreciate a lot if any of you can shed some light over this ;)

many thanks.


hi clare,
long time no see. how's london treating you?
yeah, i guess photoshop does the job. but i haven't got a copy either in my lab or personal computer, i'm testing cellprofiler at the moment, i think this program can transform the image, and it's free.


you can try graphic converter, from lemkesoft, for the mac. the "invert" command should do it.


Hi ;)

Cambridge is treating me like a $%£&*^$£"^&£* so I am off on a hunt for a new job (perhaps Edinburgh, but who knows!).

toejam on Jan 25 2010, 03:01 PM said:

hi clare,
long time no see. how's london treating you?
yeah, i guess photoshop does the job. but i haven't got a copy either in my lab or personal computer, i'm testing cellprofiler at the moment, i think this program can transform the image, and it's free.


oh yes, of course you're in Cambridge... sorry about that. it was Kami who is in london. at least there are three £ signs in the way they're treating you ;)

Edinburgh sounds nice, haven't been there yet tho.

mdfenko, thanks. i'll try it in the mac that is available upstairs (a different lab).

good luck to you both!
Attached File

Attached File


Gimp will do the job too, if you use the portable version, no installation is necessary....
Attached File


thanks hobs! hadn't thought about the gimp. it's one of the default ubuntu apps i've never used ;)


yeah, GIMP should do fine. If not, may be U can show us a sample image of what U r expecting.


Hi toejam,
If I understand your problem correctly, I got a solution for you.
I got a "guarantee works" and "free from any software installation" method if you are using windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, ...etc...

1) Open Paint (Start>All Programs> Accessories> Paint)
2) Open the picture you want
3) Choose "Image>Invert Colours" from the tool bar


;) ;) ^_^


-adrian kohsf-
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