Polymerases voor bisulfite sequencing - any fancy new enzymes? (Jan/25/2010 )
Hi everybody,
Still using hotstar taq (bisulfite sequencing) or Turbo Pfu Cx (for genomewide shit).
Does anybody know about some nice new enzymes that actually work and improve your bisulfite PCR? Know that a lot of suppliers have been working on it...
Hope that somebody of you had some time/experience to delve into the supplyer bullshit of ever improving PCR yields...
(did anybody notice that those adds with agarose gels really look and sound like washing detergent commercials??)
Try Sigma's JumpStart RedTaq, you won't regret.
pcrman on Feb 18 2010, 06:38 AM said:
Try Sigma's JumpStart RedTaq, you won't regret.
Thanks for the tip, did you change any conditions of your original PCRs switching to Red?
Cool logo in your name by-the-way.
Best wishes, lots of thanks
anyone know of proofreading enzymes that might work on converted DNA as well in order to improve next gen sequencing results?
ForEpi on Feb 18 2010, 05:24 PM said:
anyone know of proofreading enzymes that might work on converted DNA as well in order to improve next gen sequencing results?
Take a look at Turbo Pfu Cx, is used in the RRBS paper of Gu et al Nat. Methods.
best wishes, best of luck