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Looking for someone who does radiocarbon dating - using the 14C bomb peak (Dec/16/2009 )

I have one sample that needs dating and I was hoping that there was someone here that did it or knew of someone who could do it...for free :(

I hope my chances are slim but...I'm an optimistic.


Woaw no one out of 592 viewers???? ;)


how about this place:

beta analytic

they're in florida (i found them with google, i haven't done any myself, so i can't speak about them).


Well, my message wasn't very clear. I do know labs who could run a sample for me..for a fee.
My goal here was to find someone who would accept to set up a collaboration and be paid with co-authorship instead of $.
Looks like I'm gonna have to break my piggy bank. :P


sorry, missed the "for free".

it doesn't seem to be something done in non-commercial labs, at least, not with those who frequent bioforum. have you tried any archaeology fora?
Attached File


Not yet. I'm waiting for other results first and then will start looking seriously into that. I know a guy in CA, but I fear his price will be :rolleyes:

But then...maybe not. I should just ask, right?


wouldn't hurt.


Is there a nearby university with an archeology department? Even if they don't do C14 dating in-house, they may have a lead on a good resource.
