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centipedes and millipedes belong to which group? - (Dec/14/2009 )

The centipedes and millipedes belong to which group?
A) Arachnids
B) Annelids
C) Hexapods
D) Myriapods
E) None of the above

What would be the best answer? I think it's either D or E.


is this part of a take home exam?


are you trying to confirm your answer?

the answer is readily available at a number of websites (including, shudder, wikipedia).



mdfenko on Dec 14 2009, 08:37 AM said:

is this part of a take home exam?


are you trying to confirm your answer?

the answer is readily available at a number of websites (including, shudder, wikipedia).


It's not a part of take-home exam. It is just practice question. I am just trying to confirm the answer.
That's what I have from wiki:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Myriapoda
Class: Chilopoda

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Uniramia
Class: Diplopoda

Now tell me why you choose the answer D?
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look at the wiki page for myriapods.
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