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How would you reference this journal article? - (I have done it - plz help check if thats right) (Dec/10/2009 )

How would you reference this journal article?

below is how i have done it, is it right?

Richards, HM. , Reid, ME. and Watt, GCM. (2002), “Socioeconomic variations in responses to chest pain: qualitative study”, Primary Care, BMJ 2002;324:1308


krishijones on Dec 10 2009, 09:35 PM said:

How would you reference this journal article?

below is how i have done it, is it right?

Richards, HM. , Reid, ME. and Watt, GCM. (2002), “Socioeconomic variations in responses to chest pain: qualitative study”, Primary Care, BMJ 2002;324:1308

I'd quote it this way:

Richards, H.M. , Reid, M.E. & Watt, G.C.M. (2002): Socioeconomic variations in responses to chest pain: qualitative study. BMJ 324: 1308.

Primary Care: it's not part of the title but I guess a chapter or section of the journal
date: once is enough
forename abbreviations: with or without dots...
But it depends on your own style mostly or the regulations of the journal (i.e. where are commas or dots, or abbreviations, or "and" or & etc.).
