LINE-1 detection by HRM method - (Dec/03/2009 )
Who are study about LINE-1 methylation ? I would like to ask you about
the detection method for LINE-1 HRM (high resolution melting). It possible, or not?
Because LINE-1 sequences are spread in whole genome sequence,
can I detect that sequence for tumor biomarker.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Did you see Coufal NG et al. article appeared in Nature. 2009 Aug 27;460(7259):1127-31. may be you can find your answer.
a question: do you know how much a plasmid on filter paper is stable?
thitima on Dec 4 2009, 09:30 AM said:
Who are study about LINE-1 methylation ? I would like to ask you about
the detection method for LINE-1 HRM (high resolution melting). It possible, or not?
Because LINE-1 sequences are spread in whole genome sequence,
can I detect that sequence for tumor biomarker.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Who are study about LINE-1 methylation ? I would like to ask you about
the detection method for LINE-1 HRM (high resolution melting). It possible, or not?
Because LINE-1 sequences are spread in whole genome sequence,
can I detect that sequence for tumor biomarker.
Thank you for your help in advance.