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Small flourescent tag - (Nov/02/2009 )


Just wondering if anyone is familar with a small flouresent tag which may be used to track a protein using real-time microscopy techniques?

I am finishing my honours project and i have found that EGFP affects the localization of my protein of interest (its much larger). I used the FLAG tag in my localization expriments. However, this tag is not appropriate for live cell imaging (atleast i dont think so)... as it needs an anti-body for detection. I am just wanting to make some recommendations for future directions of the project... and web searches have been unsucessful.

Any hints or ideas would be great.



it comes to my mind HaloTag from Promega
on academic settings, prof K. Johnsson at EPFL Lausanne is making breakthroughs with new tag technologies for proteins.

---my blog on genetically-encoded methods----
