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Reconstitute drugs in water? - (Oct/31/2009 )

I am not sure if it is the right forum to post my question.
I am wondering if it is OK to reconstitute drugs in water. The drug that I am going to use is water soluble, but I am wondering if the water would affect the cells. What concentration of water would be harmful to the cells?


Sayeh on Nov 1 2009, 04:38 AM said:

I am not sure if it is the right forum to post my question.
I am wondering if it is OK to reconstitute drugs in water. The drug that I am going to use is water soluble, but I am wondering if the water would affect the cells. What concentration of water would be harmful to the cells?

It is fine to dissolve your drugs in water, just make sure its sterile dH2O,

PBS probably works best and is the right osmotic pressure for the cells, again make sure its sterile by autoclaving.

The amount of water/PBS you use should have no affect as I pressume when you further dissolve your drugs in growth media when you treat your cells, thus the water/PBS will be dissolved to such a small concentration the affects would be negligable.

Also just a point, if your drugs are water soluble you could just dissovle them directly with your growth medium, have you though of doing this?


cotchy on Nov 1 2009, 05:34 AM said:

Sayeh on Nov 1 2009, 04:38 AM said:

I am not sure if it is the right forum to post my question.
I am wondering if it is OK to reconstitute drugs in water. The drug that I am going to use is water soluble, but I am wondering if the water would affect the cells. What concentration of water would be harmful to the cells?

It is fine to dissolve your drugs in water, just make sure its sterile dH2O,

PBS probably works best and is the right osmotic pressure for the cells, again make sure its sterile by autoclaving.

The amount of water/PBS you use should have no affect as I pressume when you further dissolve your drugs in growth media when you treat your cells, thus the water/PBS will be dissolved to such a small concentration the affects would be negligable.

Also just a point, if your drugs are water soluble you could just dissovle them directly with your growth medium, have you though of doing this?

Thanks Cotchy for the reply.
Would it be OK to make stock solutions of the drugs in media and keep them frozen?


I,m not sure about freezing the stocks in full media (with all supplements you usually add), maybe someone else could shed some light on this.

But in general stocks can be frozen in freezer. I have frozen stocks of hydrophobic test cheimicals in DMSO in freezer and water soluble test chemicals in PBS in freezer.

I pressume media without supplements (FCS, etc) wouldnt be a problem just straight from the bottle (HEPES etc. should be ok if they are already in your media)


Sayeh on Nov 1 2009, 04:38 AM said:

I am not sure if it is the right forum to post my question.
I am wondering if it is OK to reconstitute drugs in water. The drug that I am going to use is water soluble, but I am wondering if the water would affect the cells. What concentration of water would be harmful to the cells?

Dear Sayeh,

If the drugs are soluble in aqueous solution (water), then just simply reconstitute them in media (-FCS/FBS). It is normal practice to make a 100x concentrated solution of the drug and add just a small volume to your well/flask. Remember to do a dose response curve in order to choose an appropriate drug concentration.

Hope this is useful

30 years of doing cell based assays

Kindest regards

