Subculture in low glucose media - (Oct/31/2009 )
I need to culture mouse endothelial cells in low glucose media. I've cultured cells as first in a normal media, and is going to subculture them in low glucose media. Would this affect the growth of the cells?? What are the consequences??
What Is the best way to culture cells in low glucose media?? Is it prefered to start culturing in low glucose, or is it OK to do it as I've started -with normal media then subculturing in low glucose media- ???
Isra, yes this will slow their growth rate, as they are losing their preferred growth substrate. Are you culturing them in low glucose long-term or short-term? I only have experience culturing them in low glucose short-term, and I grow my cells in regular (high glucose) media until they are just shy of their ideal confluence (so, my ideal confluence is 80%, and I grow them to about 70-75%), and then I add low glucose media for 12 or 24 hours. So yes, it is better to do it the way you are currently employing.
I'm culturing cells for short term. I've notice that they are growing slowly, but finally they've reached 90% confluent.