Effective method for cathing insects - (Oct/30/2009 )
Hi all
I want to ask u
which is the effective method for cathing the insects
net or light??
Both! A light to attract them, and a net to catch them
What kind of insects are you trying to catch?
Fungus_Dreams on Oct 30 2009, 07:58 AM said:
What kind of insects are you trying to catch?
any type of insects.
but I want the best method???
There are many insects (numbers and species numbers) and no method is good for all:
Night active insects: light is good (espc. UV light source behind a screen)
Flying insects: malaise trap or hand held net etc.
insects on ground/in soil: pitfall traps or eclector traps
water insects: net
insects on trees: net or fumigating insecticides
and many more methods...depends if you want to trap them (automatically) or by hand, where they live and when they are active, what life-cycle they have, how they move, if it should be a high number or just some specimen...