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same primer for reverse transcription and real time - is the primer same for the mRNA we start with and then for the cDNA al (Oct/28/2009 )

In real time pcr,we start with the rna sample and use a primer to do the reverse transcription,then for the second step(with the cDNA)can we use the same primer,or we have to design another.


march on Oct 28 2009, 04:40 PM said:

In real time pcr,we start with the rna sample and use a primer to do the reverse transcription,then for the second step(with the cDNA)can we use the same primer,or we have to design another.

-Pradeep Iyer-

I have done a similar experiment and, although it's not a preferred option, sometimes it is necessary cos it's the only place where you can get a specific binding. So my advice would be to give it a try, you already have the primer. If it doesn't work, you can always still order an additional primer.
