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Do lions fast? - (Oct/26/2009 )

Hi guys,

I got an email that made me think of how these animals may survive just by eating meat!!
the email said that lions may fast for one day without eating any food to get rid of an acid (not sure maybe the uric acid).....without doing so, this acid may accumulate in their bodies and cause problems!! :lol:

don't think that these animals can eat green food since they can't digest cellulose :unsure:


strawberry on Oct 27 2009, 12:47 AM said:

don't think that these animals can eat green food since they can't digest cellulose :)

humans can't, on their own, digest cellulose, either.


I think they feed on what they can catch, i.e. one day they're successful and catch one to many prey (especially when hunting together) and really stuff themselves (many kilograms and as much as possible) as perhaps next day(s) hunt is not successful at all....and to store it is difficult because of hyaenas or african wild dogs...
If they fast (because of lack of prey or no success) then not voluntarily...


strawberry on Oct 27 2009, 03:47 PM said:

I got an email that made me think of how these animals may survive just by eating meat!!
the email said that lions may fast for one day without eating any food to get rid of an acid (not sure maybe the uric acid).....without doing so, this acid may accumulate in their bodies and cause problems!! :lol:

don't think that these animals can eat green food since they can't digest cellulose :lol:

I was always under the impression that pure carnivores had a preference for offal, including rumen contents, which mitigated some of the problems of solely eating muscle tissue.