Do i have to use BD 14ml tube for quickchange ? - (Oct/09/2009 )
Hi guys, I am just wondering if I have to use BD 14ml round bottom tube in the transformation (into XL1blue). I used the regular 1.5 ml eppendorf tube before...
anyone has suggestions?
Thank you so much!!
springstreet on Oct 9 2009, 01:40 PM said:
Hi guys, I am just wondering if I have to use BD 14ml round bottom tube in the transformation (into XL1blue). I used the regular 1.5 ml eppendorf tube before...
anyone has suggestions?
Thank you so much!!
anyone has suggestions?
Thank you so much!!
I never used anything other than the BD 14 ml round bottom tubes and had a success rate of 100% for Stratagene's quickchange kit. You can surely try anything you want, but the manual points out that their kit was tested using these tubes, so I'd use them.
-Dr Teeth-
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I remembered in 2006, they didnt use 14ml tubes in the protocol, we used 1.5ml tube and it worked well. I havent been doing this for almost 3 years and today i noticed this change on the product manual. I asked because our water bath is very tiny and wont's fit the 14ml tubes. Anyway, thanks again.