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Single cross over mutants - (Oct/05/2009 )

I want to know what is the difference between single crossover mutants vs. double crossover mutants? Is there any disadvantage of using a single crossover mutant for a study as compare to use of double crossover mutants.

Any input would be great. Thanks



I am not sure about this but this is what I think. Single cross overs have the (suicide) vector integrated at the target location, and double cross overs loose out the repeat regions, wither leading to reversion to wild type or leading to mutants.

But check it once.


minie58 on Oct 6 2009, 12:16 AM said:

I want to know what is the difference between single crossover mutants vs. double crossover mutants? Is there any disadvantage of using a single crossover mutant for a study as compare to use of double crossover mutants.

Any input would be great. Thanks

-T C-