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Usage of EST data for non-model species in proteomics - (Sep/30/2009 )


I am working on two dimensional gel electrophoresis-based proteomics on a non-model species (i.e. genome not sequenced).

Recently, a team generated the cDNA library of my studied species. May I know if I can use these EST information to help identifiy the proteins that could not be matched after MALDI TOF/TOF?

Thank you, appreciated.


Sure, there shouldn't be a problem with it, be aware that RNA doesn't always equal protein though.


i think you should consider codon usage as well. by doing a blastx you should be able to find it tho
Attached File


bob1 on Oct 1 2009, 07:45 AM said:

Sure, there shouldn't be a problem with it, be aware that RNA doesn't always equal protein though.

Hi, bob1

May I know what program should I use in order to carry out the search?

Thx again.
