Protocol book - (Sep/22/2009 )
Hey all,
I seem to remember a book being mentioned that contained nearly every molecular biology lab technique available... but I cant remember who its by! I was hoping someone would It was about 3 volumes and quite expensive...
Hopefulyl someone can help
Kami23 on Sep 22 2009, 01:02 PM said:
Hey all,
I seem to remember a book being mentioned that contained nearly every molecular biology lab technique available... but I cant remember who its by! I was hoping someone would
It was about 3 volumes and quite expensive...
Hopefulyl someone can help
I seem to remember a book being mentioned that contained nearly every molecular biology lab technique available... but I cant remember who its by! I was hoping someone would

Hopefulyl someone can help

I'm pretty sure this is what you are looking for: Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. by J. Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch and T. Maniatis
Everyone refers to it as "Maniatis" (one of the 3 authors), and in my opinion is the "bible" for mol bio techniques. Is not the cheapest, but really a must in a molecular biology lab. Try amazon for better prices, that's how we got it

-almost a doctor-
Why is it that everyone refers to it by Maniatis? He's the third guy listed.
All your instructors grew up with an edition that had him as first author.
Almost a Dr I could kiss you! thanks soooo much