Accidently heated up the wrong DNA. Damage? - (Sep/14/2009 )
I've really stupidly placed the wrong samples in the water bath.
Instead of the sample tubes containing plasmid DNA to be digested (to check insert), I've placed my actual plasmid DNA stock itself in the 37OC! It was there for ten minutes - will it be okay?
It depends on how clean your DNA prep is. The heat itself will not damage the DNA (after all, your core body temperature is around 37C, and your DNA does just fine, right?), but if the preparation is contaminated by nucleases, and by cofactors needed by those nucleases, the DNA will likely have been degraded to some degree.
Run a sample out on a gel and check.
HomeBrew on Sep 14 2009, 03:25 AM said:
It depends on how clean your DNA prep is. The heat itself will not damage the DNA
BTW if you place your plasmid DNA to 94C for 5 minutes it will be mess.