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Alkaline phosphatase - (Sep/04/2009 )


My lab used to use Shrimp Alkaline phosphatase from Roche but the product has since been discontinued. I have found another althernative: Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase from NEB. I would like to ask if is there any difference using the one from calf intestine, in terms of efficiency and methodology?

Thank you....


Wolfie on Sep 3 2009, 10:41 PM said:


My lab used to use Shrimp Alkaline phosphatase from Roche but the product has since been discontinued. I have found another althernative: Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase from NEB. I would like to ask if is there any difference using the one from calf intestine, in terms of efficiency and methodology?

Thank you....


The main difference is that CIAP cannot be heat-inactivated as SAP can, so it is a bit more cumbersome to work with. I'd recommend that you find another supplier of SAP. I'm sure someone will be selling it.

Best regards.


Also, check Antarctic Phosphase, by NEB, which can be heat killed.


CIAP could be heat inactivated according to the product sheet of CIAP from Roche


Jaaar on Fri Mar 2 06:19:54 2012 said:

CIAP could be heat inactivated according to the product sheet of CIAP from Roche

They lie... it can be partially inactivated by prolonged incubation, but in general, it is pretty hard to inactivate.


bob1 on Fri Mar 2 20:36:25 2012 said:

Jaaar on Fri Mar 2 06:19:54 2012 said:

CIAP could be heat inactivated according to the product sheet of CIAP from Roche

They lie... it can be partially inactivated by prolonged incubation, but in general, it is pretty hard to inactivate.

I ran out of SEAP control enzyme for my Reporter Genn assay. Unfortunately the SEAP component is not sold separately and the recommended replacement from sigma is back-ordered...planning to use CIAP as a control and....Wish me luck
