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TaqMan Related Discussions
  2. Problem with TaqMan qPCR efficiency - (reply: 1)
  3. Strange Taqman probe negative fluorescence - (reply: 2)
  4. Possible to change SimpleProbe/Melting curve to TaqMan or Scorpion? - (reply: 1)
  5. Absolute quant with TaqMan - Different RT & different plates? - (reply: 1)
  6. TaqMan gene expression assays - (reply: 1)
  7. Taqman probe in a LightCycler 480? - (reply: 1)
  8. TaqMan CN assay - control sample duplicated - (reply: 1)
  9. Sybr Green vs Taqman -- a practical approach - (reply: 2)
  10. Taqman Probe sequence problem - (reply: 4)
  11. improving sensitivity of one step TAQMAN REal time PCR - (reply: 1)
  12. Taqman Probes problem - (reply: 3)
  13. Taqman assay for detecting expression of genes carrying specific SNPs - (reply: 2)
  14. TaqMan qPCR low-template issues - (reply: 1)
  15. qRTPCR using taqman - (reply: 4)
  16. Too high CT values with TaqMan - (reply: 1)
  17. Anybody know about temperature sensitivity of the AB TaqMan universal Mastermix - (reply: 4)
  18. false positive/cross reaction with TaqMan - (reply: 1)
  19. TaqMan Low density Array Card Analysis - (reply: 1)
  20. degenerated Taqman probes? - (reply: 1)
  21. RT-PCR Taqman no change in gene expression - GATA3 gene expression in splenocytes, a tough one (reply: 3)
  22. TaqMan Gene Expression Assays - Low expression/ Ct values (reply: 2)
  23. microRNA profiling using ABI taqman low density microRNA array (TLDA) - (reply: 1)
  24. Taqman probe not easily synthesized - What sequence features make probe synthesis difficult? (reply: 3)
  25. issue with taqman MGB probes - (reply: 2)
  26. Taqman real-time PCR - Taqman and contamination (reply: 4)
  27. multiplexing taqman miRNA reverse transcription - (reply: 2)
  28. The reliable data of microRNA expression from SYBR-stem loop PCR or ABI Taqman m - (reply: 8)
  29. qRTPCR (TaqMan) Data Representation - (reply: 1)
  30. ABI Taqman Low density microRNA Array card - (reply: 3)
  31. RT-PCR - problems with TaqMan PCR (reply: 2)
  32. Anyone using AppBiosys TaqMan Gene Expression Assays in LightCycler or RotorGene - (reply: 2)
  33. Primers and Taqman Probes mixture question - (reply: 1)
  34. TaqMan real time PCR using abi 7700 system-troubleshooting - (reply: 5)
  35. Taqman rtPCR primer and probe design - (reply: 3)
  36. distance between probe and primers in Taqman method - how far should they be? (reply: 2)
  37. SYBR and TaqMan - (reply: 6)