Getting into Bioinformatics... - Looking for advice... (Mar/14/2005 )
First off, hello!!
I'm a working IT professional. I've done everything from application development to database programming to project management. I have next to no Biology or chemistry background. I have a bachelor's in a liberal art and no Master's degree. And seeing that I've been in the workforce a while I'm also not a spring chicken (I'm in my 30s). Nonetheless, I'd like to get into Bioinformatics.
Does someone with my background have a fighting chance in the field? Obviously, I'd have to get re-educated.
Any advice for someone like me?
Any feedback would be appreciated!
Thank you!
My best Friend have a background like you and recently have published this paper May be you can Join to the "Computational Genomics Research Program" at CCG-UNAM in Mexico