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part-time jobs for PhD moms - (May/16/2009 )


I'm a mother of a one year old and I'm also pursuing a PhD. I would like to know what possible choices of jobs are their for mothers planning to slow down their career to raise a family. I'm planning to work only part-time after my PhD to raise my child and eventually return to full timework after some time. I'm looking for jobs that can keep me in touch with my area of research.

I can think of the following:
1) editing manuscripts- can do this from home
2) part-time post doc?
Any ideas are welcome!!


SF_HK on May 16 2009, 06:54 PM said:


I'm a mother of a one year old and I'm also pursuing a PhD. I would like to know what possible choices of jobs are their for mothers planning to slow down their career to raise a family. I'm planning to work only part-time after my PhD to raise my child and eventually return to full timework after some time. I'm looking for jobs that can keep me in touch with my area of research.

I can think of the following:
1) editing manuscripts- can do this from home
2) part-time post doc?
Any ideas are welcome!!

How about lab technician. Depending on contract some work very few hours (ie only mornings)


It’s more difficult if you want to drive forward your academic career in a particular field; but I had a fabulous couple of years mixing parenting with casual science jobs. The best employers were ecology and soil science groups because they often need large numbers of people for short periods and I enjoyed the outdoor field work (a pleasant change from a career in the lab). The key is to make sure that HR has you signed on in such a way that it is simple for a number of research managers to employ you as they need.

There will be options for you, just make sure you get that PhD completed first B)