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Who have we lost? - (Feb/04/2009 )

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aimikins on Feb 26 2009, 08:52 AM said:

well, I haven't been as visible on here for about a year so I can't really complain. it's just that I have all this longevity and I'm old and crabby, so I expect you all to remember me :D

ummmm, do we know U . . where do U come from. . . :D welcome back Aimikins!! U were always too close us to be forgotten B)


aimikins on Feb 26 2009, 10:52 AM said:

well, I haven't been as visible on here for about a year so I can't really complain. it's just that I have all this longevity and I'm old and crabby, so I expect you all to remember me B)

... and I like the new avatar! Which reminds me, maybe I should do something about mine...


aimikins on Feb 25 2009, 06:52 PM said:

well, I haven't been as visible on here for about a year so I can't really complain. it's just that I have all this longevity and I'm old and crabby, so I expect you all to remember me :D

Hmm...of course we remember you aimikins: (delving deep into my selective photographic memory cache now) like to knit (not that stuffed patchwork that old ladies do to pass the time) and on your free time, you like to save the whales and the baby seals (cos you're afraid of the snakes, lizards and frogs) and lastly, you drink lots of hot coco for relaxation while soaking in the bath. I'm a bit cagey tho or your tech expertise - I think it's a toss-up between plant genetics or is it bioinformatics...sorry, I guess, my photographic memory forgot this part.....anyways...welcome back aimikins and you can be as longevituous and old and crabby as you want as long as you stay here with us...:D

(my newest favorite word- longevituous B))


that's hilarious! you DO remember me, possibly too well :)

once the weather warms up, I may have to find a Hobbes that isn't throwing a snowball.


Is The Bearer back? I would probably be failing my PhD without him/her, mdfenko, swanny, etc etc! :)

I used to be Flour Power but only really asked silly questions, so not very memorable!!

Thanks to all you veterans for helping us newbies out - it's all very much appreciated :wacko:


aimikins on Feb 26 2009, 08:59 AM said:

that's hilarious! you DO remember me, possibly too well :o

once the weather warms up, I may have to find a Hobbes that isn't throwing a snowball.

Oh, we all remember you amilkins. Welcome back.


aimikins on Feb 26 2009, 11:59 AM said:

that's hilarious! you DO remember me, possibly too well :)

once the weather warms up, I may have to find a Hobbes that isn't throwing a snowball.

How about a Hobbes throwing a Calvin? And I only remember the stuff I want to remember......btw, has anybody seen my 1 ml gilson pipette? I think it ran away from me during the holidays....:D..Welcome back aimikins ....


aimikins on Feb 26 2009, 05:59 PM said:

that's hilarious! you DO remember me, possibly too well :D

once the weather warms up, I may have to find a Hobbes that isn't throwing a snowball.

I could offer this one here from my vast avatar collection


thank you...I accept and will save it.


hello all :)
it is sooooo nice to re-join again :)

where is krumelmonester ??? :(
- if this is how it is spelled :)-

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