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Hard to find a postdoc position for fresh PhD? - postdoc positions (Feb/02/2009 )

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Hey - Don't be desparate, just keep trying and contacting the labs you want to post-doc in. Good and well-funded labs are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated post-doc's.


Although it is hard to secure a postdoc position if you have no publications yet, I would not let this depress you and certainly do not lose hope. If science and research is what you enjoy and where your ambition and heart lies then just keep applying for as many positions in different labs as you can. Thats what I have had to do and Im now into my third postdoc! It sucks having to search for a job, irrespective of what sector you are in (research, medical, retail etc) but stay determined. A job will pop up for you when you least expected!

On the topic of supervisors, some are complete wasters while others are some of the best people you can meet. Ive experienced both in my time in research. My PhD supervisor is brilliant and a nice, well respected guy. My first postdoc supervisor was intelligent enough (although he does tend to cherry pick data!) but seriously hampered my chances of employment by providing a bad reference for me simply because of personality clash (I stood up to racism and sexism in the lab coming from the male Asian chief technician to female Asian lab members). There are bad and good people in every profession. Depending on the personaility of your supervisor, sitting down and chatting to him/her can be greatly beneficial or completely futile.

If you are based in the UK or Irish Republic I would suggest having a look at This is a great website for searching for possible postdoc/assistant posts.

Im in a similiar situation to yourself in that I have one author publication to date and three more ready for submission; this has indeed done me no favours where securing employment is concerned. I don't think it should be the basis for hiring people as there are usually good reasons for having little publications and not because you are a bad scientist or your project wasn't good enough.


Having applied for a few postdocs I eventually found one at and was invited for a Skype webcam interview!

Has anybody been through this or have any tips? How long does it last, what to wear, etc.?

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