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all gone?????? - (Jan/26/2009 )

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hobglobin on Jan 29 2009, 12:54 PM said:

Nabi on Jan 29 2009, 05:17 PM said:

gebirgsziege on Jan 29 2009, 10:22 PM said:

research gate is over, but has anybody visited this molecular station site???? It seems there are some vultures around....... :wacko:

do U remember there was another dude asking for name for a scientist facebook. I wonder what happened to him.

But some are lost, for example toejam, vetticus3, fred33, aimikins (?). Have a poor memory for (nick-)names.

I'm sure they'll find their way back here again........but we can start speculating :P is probably passed-out in some English pub after drinking all of its plebeian drink.....
Attached File


hobglobin on Jan 29 2009, 10:54 AM said:

Nabi on Jan 29 2009, 05:17 PM said:

gebirgsziege on Jan 29 2009, 10:22 PM said:

research gate is over, but has anybody visited this molecular station site???? It seems there are some vultures around....... :wacko:

do U remember there was another dude asking for name for a scientist facebook. I wonder what happened to him.

But some are lost, for example toejam, vetticus3, fred33, aimikins (?). Have a poor memory for (nick-)names.

Rhombus, Calvin*, cellcounter, and phage434 may be lost.

-Minnie Mouse-

TJ is there in Radio Bioforum. . should be back. May be he is still going on with his jumping-kissing experiments. Must be busy .. .


Minnie Mouse on Jan 30 2009, 03:59 AM said:

hobglobin on Jan 29 2009, 10:54 AM said:

Nabi on Jan 29 2009, 05:17 PM said:

gebirgsziege on Jan 29 2009, 10:22 PM said:

research gate is over, but has anybody visited this molecular station site???? It seems there are some vultures around....... :huh:

do U remember there was another dude asking for name for a scientist facebook. I wonder what happened to him.

But some are lost, for example toejam, vetticus3, fred33, aimikins (?). Have a poor memory for (nick-)names.

Rhombus, Calvin*, cellcounter, and phage434 may be lost.

I think I have seen phage434 already :)

but I agree with the canadian tj theory :lol: lost in UKs pubs :P ;) and some of the others I have not seen for a long time :(


gebirgsziege on Jan 30 2009, 06:15 PM said:

phage434 already ;)

phage434 .. was it 434 before also or is this the older 2005 version?


mdfenko on Jan 26 2009, 08:58 PM said:

hobglobin on Jan 26 2009, 02:15 PM said:

until now not, but I'm really new here ;) . But what sites?

researchgate, for one.

me also (researchgate).
I was invited once before, and once after the crash. It must be only a coincidence.

-little mouse-

Yes apparently out there are some of the "researchgate makers" trying to make us change our mind and use their site. I have an invitation. I look, but don't like it. I had use other forums but I prefer this one. Good links, good protocols and the answers are quick. In other places the threads are too old so if you got a problem must wait a too many days or weeks to be answer ;)


and like mentioned before, most other forums are too serious.....sometimes its very nice have a quick non-scientific intellectual sparring.....something that is often difficult in a lab where everybody has his/her own time schedule ;)


my first post......

and I just want to say that I don't care if the server was shut down, burnt to dust, attacked by Bin Laden's 4th wife or whatever....I'm still saying that the BioForum's admin team is not professional enough.....allow me to say that BioForum is an internationally successful forum/website and it needs more attention.....I don't care what people say or reply, I'm still saying BioForum Admin team needs to get more professional.

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