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Biology and philosophy, biophilosophy? - (Dec/13/2013 )

I just read a book - "Bioquestions and the mechanical answer" - that mixes basic biology science with a general and deep view of life, death, love, human knowledege limitations, technology, etcetera. It is a book full of questions and skepticism. The first chapter seems some chaotic because the reader is challenged constantly but it is sowing the seeds to enjoy the next chapters. The death chapter is absolutely astonishing. I recommend it, especially for those who know the scientific language but want to ponder over freely without any dogmatism, and think about life (including its own life) in the most wide sense of the word.


These kind of books, if they do not directly say biologists breach against ethics here and there, tend to claim a higher level of ethics and morality than they think biologists have.

-Inmost sun-