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patents - (Mar/24/2012 )

Hallo all,

Has anyone an idea how to know whether certain patents are reffered to in scientific journals?
I have been looking up some intersting patents, but I wonder if they have been used/cited by other researchers.
Is there an easy way to find this kind of information? At the moment, I try to google it, but its hard to find some information about it.
Also: because there is no registered trade name, its hard to look it up by a simple name.

any ideas?



I am not sure what your purpose is. But usually scientific literature does not cite patents. You can find patent information (patent applications and issued patents) on the net such as USPTO Some other sites also provide full-text patent information such as google patent


Have a look here, also the journal itself might be of interest. Aynway as reserachers are users that pay to use the patented stuff (such as Taq polymerase, not sure if still under patent), they pay the higher price and I think they don't have to mention it in publications....But if, then the editors would insist on this anyway...


normally, google scholar should give you the metrics for patents as well ...but they are rarley cited ...normaly paper cite papers and patents cite other patents and papers!



pDNA on Mon Mar 26 20:43:20 2012 said:

normally, google scholar should give you the metrics for patents as well ...but they are rarley cited ...normaly paper cite papers and patents cite other patents and papers!


What do you mean with "metrics"?

But in general, patents are rarely cited in papers. Ok thanks.

The reason why I asked was because I found some interesting patents/techniques and I was wondering whether some researchers allready tried those patents, but couldnt really find it in the literature. So I wondered if there was some kind of database where you could find which patent was cited in which paper.


Dear lyok,

google scholar is just one of many ...on of the best tools is scifinder ...maybe your institution has a subscription (unfortunately it is not for free!) gives you all the information you need.

But in general a plain google search can do the trick as well.



pDNA on Tue Mar 27 07:06:23 2012 said:

Dear lyok,

google scholar is just one of many ...on of the best tools is scifinder ...maybe your institution has a subscription (unfortunately it is not for free!) gives you all the information you need.

But in general a plain google search can do the trick as well.


But you do mean its a searchengine, right? Its not that you can find in scifinder for papers that cited certain patents? Or is their a tool that allows you do to this?
