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Academics protest against Elsevier's business practices - (Mar/18/2012 )

Have a look on this website, maybe you want also to boycott (not publishing, refereeing, editing) the publisher Elsevier, because of its business practices. You can declare publicly that you boycott Elsevier and add your name to the online form.
A more detailed description you find on the website, too

Main reasons (copied from the website):
<*>They charge exorbitantly high prices for subscriptions to individual journals.
<*>In the light of these high prices, the only realistic option for many libraries is to agree to buy very large "bundles", which will include many journals that those libraries do not actually want. Elsevier thus makes huge profits by exploiting the fact that some of their journals are essential.
<*>They support measures such as SOPA, PIPA that aim to restrict the free exchange of information

Have a look.


This here is a good blog entry from Scientific American regarding this institutionalized fleecing by profit-driven publishing companies. Bowing to pressure and amidst the boycott (by the ‘rebel forces’ :P), Elsevier withdrew its support for the Research Works Act. And according to its mission statement:

‘We are ready and willing to work constructively and cooperatively to continue to promote free and low-cost public access through a variety of means, as we have with research funders and other partners around the world.’

Yup, definitely free and low cost access. No wonder they only raked in $1.6 billion in 2010 (with an operating profit margin of 36%) according to the CBC sources that is…
