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Publisher suggestions - Need opinion about where to submit (Jul/11/2011 )

Dear all,

There are 2 papers where I going to submit. First paper is dealing with the bacteriology and biofilm, while the second paper is about pcr detection of closely related bacteria species. Both work was never done by anyone before.

I wish to find a publisher which is quick in reviewing the papers and make quick decisions (short review process). This is because I need the papers to be accepted very soon.

The first paper I intend to submit to "The Journal of Microbiology, Springer", while the second paper I intend to submit to either "Journal of Clinical Microbiology", or "journal of microbiological methods".

Did any of you guys know whether the above publishers took long time in review process? Or you got any other suggestions on publishers?

Any thoughts were welcome.
Many thanks.


-Adrian K-

Years back I submitted to the Journal of clinical microbiology- which was a pain because it took them 6 month to tell me that my paper does not fit into their scope - 6 month and the paper was not even reviewed. But this was years back and probably the Journal improved....


Hi Geb,

Do you have any publisher in mind which is fast in respond time?

Many thanks.


-Adrian K-

As far as I have seen it is mainly a matter of luck how quickly the reviewers respond and how much pressure the editors put on the reviewers;
the only journals that have a very quick response mode which I know will not be relevant for your publications...sorry cannot help you more.

Most journals have at the beginning or the end of an article a section "article received x"; "article accepted y" you can have a look at all papers of one issue - this will give you a good average of the time needed for the editorial process....

But usually it takes you half a year to get something in print anyway - so you should not waste too much time by finding a quick journal - better you try to find the best suitable journal.

good luck!


gebirgsziege on Tue Jul 12 11:08:10 2011 said:

Most journals have at the beginning or the end of an article a section "article received x"; "article accepted y" you can have a look at all papers of one issue - this will give you a good average of the time needed for the editorial process....

Hi Geb,
Many thanks for your suggestions. Yeah I really need lots of luck... ^_^ :lol:
Now is time to search lolx...

P/s: Any editors here want me to send my article to you??? :P

-Adrian K-