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Happy Birthday, mdfenko - (Aug/02/2010 )

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From one elder member to an elder statesman of the forum.

Gee, I go away from the forum for a coupla weeks, come back and hey presto, completely new look. Haven't had a good chance to wander thru it, but it looks OK so far (but I know there will be some things "different"!!).

Hey, how are we all doing? I'm still getting used to the world of the administrators, but I think they talk in a reasonably similar dialect to mine.




thanks swanny and laurequillo. my day is just starting so i'll see how it goes.

swanny, if you look at the "news and announcements" and "suggestions" fora then you'll see the difficulties some have had with the new software. it takes some getting used to and will take some time to figure out all the quirks. i will miss the assistant.

by the way, how is that corner office?


happy b'day mdfenko.

How does it feel to be youngest person you ever will be? ;)


thanks, doki. i'll always be the youngest person that i am (and often act that way).


Happy Birthday mdfenko

enjoy the celebrations (if there are any) ;)


mdfenko on Tue Aug 3 15:05:41 2010 said:

thanks, doki. i'll always be the youngest person that i am (and often act that way).

Happy Birthday mdfenko,
Stay young, energetic and brilliant always.
You are never old, and your experiences, ideas and suggestions is always brilliant, helpful and enlightenment.


-adrian kohsf-

thanks hobglobin. my wife promised me a celebration, so i should enjoy something (but, what about the kids?).

thanks adrian. you're making me blush.


hey MD.....I hope I'm not that late for the celebrations :) it's that time of year again, eh? This time I swear I will be be less irreverent ....therefore, voilą-my gift for one of the best elders in this forum:

Hope you had a great one.....:P


hey md... darn how did i miss this!!!
belated wishes!!!! hope u had a blast!!!
keep rocking and keep posting!!! :)

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