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- Guide to Special Stains
This handbook guides you through fixation, tissue processing and the different staining methods. Content includes: Introduction to Special Stains
Historical Perspective 1; Clinical Relevance 2
The Biology of Special Stains
The Cell 5; Tissue 6; Pathogens 8
The Chemistry of Special Stains
Basic Chemistry 14; Principles Of Staining 15
Fixation and Tissue Processing
Fixation 17; Specimen Processing 21
Staining Methods: Nucleus and Cytoplasm
Hematoxylin and Eosin 24; Nucleic Acids 29; Polychromatic Stains 31
Staining Methods:Connective Tissue, Muscle Fibers and Lipids
Connective Tissue 34; Reticular Fibers 35; Basement Membranes 36; Elastic Fibers
38; Mast Cells 39; Muscle 41; Trichrome Stains 41; PTAH 44; Modified Russel-Movat
Pentachrome 45; Lipids 46
Staining Methods: Carbohydrates and Amyloid
Carbohydrates 48; Amyloid 48; Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) 49; PAS with Diastase 51;
Mucicarmine 52; Alcian Blue 53; Alcian Blue/PAS 55; Colloidal Iron 56; Congo Red 57
Staining Methods: Microorganisms
Bacteria 60; Fungi 61; Protozoans 61; Gram Stain 62; Acid-Fast Bacteria Stain 63;
Grocott’s Methenamine Silver Stain 64; Warthin-Starry Stain 65; Alcian Yellow/Toluidine
Blue Stain 66; Giemsa Stain 68; Periodic Acid-Schiff-Green Stain 69
Staining Methods: Pigments and Minerals
Melanin 71; Hemosiderin 73; Lipofuscin 74; Urates 75; Bile 76; Calcium 77; Copper 78
Staining Methods: Nervous System
Cresyl Violet Stain 80; Bielschowsky Method 81; Glial Cells 82; Myelin 84
Automation of Special Stains
Overview 86; Advantages 86; Considerations
Added: Fri Apr 03 2009, Hits: 11302, Reviews: 0
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Acetyl Cholinesterase Staining
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1625, Reviews: 0
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Acid Phosphatase Staining
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1493, Reviews: 0
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Acromosal stain
(P. J. Hansen Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 835, Reviews: 0
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Actin Staining Protocol
Phallotoxins, isolated from the deadly Amanita phalloides mushroom, are bicyclic peptides that differ by two amino acid residues. They can be used interchangeably in most applications and bind competitively to the same sites in F-actin. Phalloidin and phallacidin contain an unusual thioether bridge between a cysteine and tryptophan residue that forms an inner ring structure. At elevated pH, this thioether is cleaved and the toxin loses its affinity for actin.
Added: Thu Oct 14 2010, Hits: 940, Reviews: 0
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Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPASE) Staining
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1559, Reviews: 0
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Connective Tissue Stain-Acid Picro Mallory
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1292, Reviews: 0
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Connective Tissue Stain-Elastic Picro Sirius Red
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1634, Reviews: 0
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Elastic and Connective Tissue Stain-Elastic Van Dieson (EVG)
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1493, Reviews: 0
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Enzyme Histochemical Stain-Alakaline Phosphatase Staining
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1269, Reviews: 0
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Masson Trichrome staining
(Rosen Lab, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine)
stain for collagen
Added: Sat Aug 24 2002, Hits: 3485, Reviews: 0
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Silver Staining of Nucleolar Organizing Regions (NOR)
(Waisman Center Cytogenetics Lab, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
To locate nucleolar organizer regions on chromosomes. Useful for studies of chromosomes with double satellites, chromosome polymorphisms, and structural abnormalities involving satellite regions.
Added: Mon Dec 09 2002, Hits: 159, Reviews: 0
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Special Staining Procedures
(The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education, Florida State University College of Medicine)
This tutorial describes the nature and usages of a variety of histopathological staining techniques to assist in tissue diagnosis, along with representative images of selected stains. Some methods described are:
- Mucin stains
- Stains for biogenic amines
- Melanin stains
- Lipochrome (lipofuschin) pigments
- Iron (hemosiderin)
- Calcium
- Fat
- Giemsa stain
- Microorganisms
Added: Sat Oct 05 2002, Hits: 4773, Reviews: 0
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Staining Live Cells with Hydrophobic Dyes
(The Molecular Probes Technology Network)
Staining live cells with hydrophobic dyes can be a challenge due to the poor dispersal of the dye into aqueous buffers. Adding a small volume of the dye-stock solution directly into an aliquot of cells often results in inconsistent staining - some cells have too much stain, others little or no staining. One method to improve the distribution of hydrophobic dyes into aqueous buffers WITHOUT the addition of chemical dispersal agents is to mechanically emulsify the dye into the aqueous buffer first before applying the dye to the cells.
Added: Thu Oct 14 2010, Hits: 679, Reviews: 0
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Tissue Stain for Amyloid-
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Alkaline Congo Red Technique (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1712, Reviews: 0
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Tissue Stain for Axons and Alzheimer's Disease-
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Bielschowsky Method (Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1271, Reviews: 0
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Tissue Stain for Mucins-Alcian Blue technique
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1467, Reviews: 0
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Tissue Stain for Nissl Substance-Cresyl Fast Violet Technique
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1391, Reviews: 0
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Tissue Staining for Mucins-Combined Alcian Blue
(Nottingham Pathology Lab)
Added: Tue May 14 2002, Hits: 1212, Reviews: 0
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Von Kossa's Staining of Calcium
(The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education, Florida State University College of Medicine)
Tissue sections are treated with silver nitrate solution, thecalcium is reduced by the strong light and replaced with silver deposits, visualized as metallic silver
Added: Sat Oct 05 2002, Hits: 1652, Reviews: 0
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