BioProduct : Immunology : Antibodies : Secondary Antibodies : Thrombospondin 4 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Name Thrombospondin 4 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Description "The protein encoded by THBS4 belongs to the thrombospondin protein family. Thrombospondin family members are adhesive glycoproteins that mediate cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions. This protein forms a pentamer and can bind to heparin and calcium. It is involved in local signaling in the developing and adult nervous system, and it contributes to spinal sensitization and neuropathic pain states. THBS4 is activated during the stromal response to invasive breast cancer. It may also play a role in inflammatory responses in Alzheimer's disease. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. THBS4 (Thrombospondin 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with THBS4 include Mycetoma and Myocardial Infarction. Among its related pathways are Focal Adhesion and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. "
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Price $360
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Abbkine Scientific
Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave
Hubei 430074

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