BioProduct : Immunology : Antibodies : Secondary Antibodies : Sp1 (phospho Thr739) Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Name Sp1 (phospho Thr739) Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Description "Sp1 transcription factor encoded by Sp1 transcription factor is a zinc finger transcription factor that binds to GC-rich motifs of many promoters. Sp1 transcription factor is involved in many cellular processes, including cell differentiation, cell growth, apoptosis, immune responses, response to DNA damage, and chromatin remodeling. Post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation, and proteolytic processing significantly affect the activity of Sp1 transcription factor, which can be an activator or a repressor. Three transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for Sp1. "
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Price $220
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Vendor Information
Abbkine Scientific
Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave
Hubei 430074

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