BioProduct : Custom Services : Animals : Disease Models : Pronuclear Microinjection
Product Name Pronuclear Microinjection
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Product Description We employ pronuclear microinjection technology to create genetically modified transgenic founders. With pronuclear microinjection, a pre-designed gene (or genes) is injected, or co-injected into a fertilized egg, then randomly integrated into the genome, with either single or multiple transgene copies at the site of insertion (i.e., gene dosage effect). This technique is available for mice, rats and rabbits. Our microinjection services are adapted for fast and secured transgenic animal model creation, and available for a variety of strains background, for instance C57BL/6, FVB, or CB6F2 mice, as well as Sprague Dawley rats. Creative Animodel is offering services for the development of comprehensive projects, as well as milestone steps for partial services (e.g., microinjection services, or vector construction).
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Price $1
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Vendor Information Creative Animodel
Ramsey Road
New York 11967

Phone: 016316269181