BioProduct : Immunology : Antibodies : Secondary Antibodies : Neuro D2 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Name Neuro D2 Polyclonal Antibody
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Product Description "NEUROD2 encodes a member of the neuroD family of neurogenic basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins. Expression of NEUROD2 can induce transcription from neuron-specific promoters, such as the GAP-43 promoter, which contain a specific DNA sequence known as an E-box. The product of the human gene can induce neurogenic differentiation in non-neuronal cells in Xenopus embryos, and is thought to play a role in the determination and maintenance of neuronal cell fates. "
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Price $220
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Abbkine Scientific
Bldg 1, Harbour of Technology Times, No.35, Optical Valley Ave
Hubei 430074

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